Collections of the Chernihiv community, IEC, Kyiv
On December 11, 2019, the gathering of the Chernihiv community took place at the International Exhibition Center. Bita music provided comprehensive technical support for the concert and official part of the event. Traditionally, this is a stage, sound, concert light, LED screen and video recording of the event.
IEC, Kyiv
International Forum Innovation Market 2018, IEC, Kyiv
From November 21 to November 23, 2018, the third international business forum "Innovation Market" was held in the capital's IEC. Bita music provided comprehensive technical support for the Forum, including the installation of the stage, sound, lighting and video equipment.
ICE, Kyiv
International Forum Innovation Market 2017, IEC, Kyiv
From November 21 to 24, 2017, the international business forum "Innovation Market" was held for the second time at the Kiev IEC. The main goal of the forum is to present innovations in all spheres of the economy, to search for investments for their implementation. Bita music was the technical partner of this event and provided comprehensive technical support for the Forum.
IEC, Kiev