Corporate events

Summer seminar Network 21, Sports Palace, Kyiv

From July 13 to July 15, a summer Ukrainian seminar of the Network 21 educational system was held at the Kiev Palace of Sports to train leadership and support entrepreneurship of the American company Amway. Bita music has traditionally provided comprehensive technical support for this event event.

 - Sports Palace, Kyiv
 - 13.07.2018
 - 599
Summer seminar Network 21, Sports Palace, Kyiv

From July 13 to July 15, the Kiev Palace of Sports hosted a summer Ukrainian weekend seminar of the Network 21 educational system for leadership training, AmWay entrepreneurship support, as well as personal development and mastering business skills. The special guests of the seminar were Hans and Eva Nusshold, one of the leaders of the European structure of Network 21. Bita music has traditionally provided the complex technical support for this event. Our 3D designer developed a production layout, which was subsequently implemented by the technical team on the site.  Bita music provided a sound system both in the main arena and in additional activity areas, professional lighting and video equipment, which included the installation of LED screens, the ShowLed Chamelion LED system, as well as led grids to create a unique stage design.