
Exhibition Games Gathering 2021 Kiev, IEC, Kyiv

The international gaming conference "Games Gathering 2021 Kiev" was held on December 4 and 5, 2021 at the IEC. The Bita Music company organized comprehensive technical support for all areas of the exhibition - lighting, sound and video support in lecture halls, the World of tanks sponsorship zone, as well as at the central site of the exhibition.

 - IEC, Kyiv
 - 05.12.2021
 - 1835
Exhibition Games Gathering 2021 Kiev, IEC, Kyiv

The international gaming conference "Games Gathering 2021 Kiev" was held on December 4 and 5, 2021 at the IEC. Games Gathering is the largest B2B conference in Eastern Europe dedicated to game development and quality game content creation. At Games Gathering 2021, it was possible to get information about the latest trends in the gaming industry and ask experienced developers questions, make new acquaintances, communicate with industry professionals and stars, and establish useful business contacts. Bita Music organized comprehensive technical support for all areas of the exhibition: lighting, sound and video support in lecture halls, the World of tanks sponsorship zone, as well as at the central exhibition site.