Atlas Weekend 2018, VDNH, Kyiv
From July 3 to July 8, the Atlas Weekend 2018 festival, which has already become an annual event, took place on the territory of VDNKh. This is the third time that Bita music has acted as a technical partner of the festival, installing the Layher stage structure for the Main Stage, as well as providing complex technical support for the Galaxy Stage.

From July 3 to July 8, the Atlas Weekend 2018 festival, which has already become an annual event, took place on the territory of VDNKh. This year, the festival broke all kinds of attendance records, and according to official figures, more than 500,000 people visited the festival in 6 days. The organizers once again pleased with a super-strong line-up, having managed to invite such monsters of the world industry as Palcebo, Benjamin Clementine, Tom Odell, Skillet, LP, Nothing But Thieves, WhoMadeWho, Kreator, Dakha Brakha. Separately, it is worth noting the performance on the Main Stage of DJ number 1 in the world Martin Garrix, as well as, perhaps, the cult British Chemical Brothers. The "Chemical Brothers" always impress with the complexity of their stage productions and well-thought-out performance. By tradition, the first day of the festival was free and a large audience could listen to live performances by Alyosha, Alekseev, MONATIK, BB, NK, Mozgi, Oleg Vinnik and many others.
This is the third time that Bita music has acted as a technical partner of the festival, installing the Layher stage structure for the Main Stage, as well as providing complex technical support for the Galaxy Stage. Also, the Bita music team faced the difficult task of installing an LED screen for Martin Garrix's performance, and the unprecedented task was that it took only 20 minutes to install and system check the screen. Bita music's engineers successfully coped with the task, even ahead of the installation schedule.